The 1st Special Operations Squadron operates the MC-130J Commando II. The Commando II flies clandestine, or low visibility, single or multiship, low-level air refueling missions for special operations helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft, and infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply of special operations forces by airdrop or airland intruding politically sensitive or hostile territories.
The 21st Special Operations Squadron flies the CV-22B Osprey. The CV-22 Osprey is a tiltrotor aircraft that combines the vertical takeoff, hover, and vertical landing qualities of a helicopter with the long-range, fuel efficiency, and speed characteristics of a turboprop aircraft. Its mission is to conduct long-range infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply missions for special operations forces.
The 320th Special Tactics Squadron consists of Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen, Special Reconnaissance personnel and Survival Resistance and Escape specialists. Enabled by deployed-ready combat support personnel, these Special Tactics operators can rapidly infiltrate into austere or hostile areas to enable airpower success in support of contingency operations.
The 1st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron provides consolidated fixed-wing maintenance for highly specialized combat-ready aircraft from the multiple-mission design series. The unit provides a full range of logistics support to include managing maintenance formal training, readiness spares, scheduling, and analysis.
The 21st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron maintains the CV-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft that combines the vertical takeoff, hover, and vertical landing qualities of a helicopter with the long-range, fuel efficiency, and speed characteristics of a turboprop aircraft.