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  • 353 SOW refines capabilities in Viking Jet 25-1

    Emergencies and crises can happen at any time and place. The 320th Special Tactics Squadron stands ready with the skill sets to assist. Recently they tested their capabilities during the units’ fifth iteration of Exercise Viking Jet from 9-13 December 2024.

  • Gundam 22 U.S. – Japan Friendship Memorial: One year on from Yakushima

    Close to 100 military and civilian personnel from the United States and Japan gathered at the Yakushima Town Hall on 29 November 2024 to attend a ceremony dedicating a cenotaph to the eight heroes who died when their CV-22B Osprey went down just off the coast of the island last year and the joint

  • U.S. - Japan Friendship Memorial Dedication Ceremony

    The 353rd Special Operations Wing will host a bilateral cenotaph dedication ceremony on November 29th, 2024, between the U.S. and Japan to honor the eight Airmen lost in a CV-22 Osprey mishap in November of 2023 and the Yakushima community’s contributions to the search and recovery effort.

  • AFSOC Aircraft Mishap Releases

    UPDATE 16, January 11, 2024: After more than 40 days of intensive search, rescue, recovery and salvage efforts, the U.S. Military concluded operations following the CV-22 mishap that occurred on Nov. 29, 2023 off the shore of Yakushima Island, Japan.

  • Airman of GUNDAM 22 posthumously promoted

    The Secretary of the Air Force posthumously promoted Captain Terrell “Terry” K. Brayman to the rank of Major, with an effective date of December 15, 2022 reflecting when Terry was selected for Major following the conclusion of the Air Force promotion board.

  • AFSOC Aircraft Mishap Releases

    UPDATE 14, December 12, 2023 1121CST:The U.S. Military, alongside the Japan Coast Guard, Japan Self-Defense Forces, local law enforcement, and Japanese civilian volunteers, has been conducting intensive search, rescue and recovery operations for the CV-22 crew and aircraft debris following the