Message from Ambassador Roos: Helping Our Friend and Ally Published March 31, 2011 JAPAN -- John V. Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan, released a video March 25 saluting the efforts of the U.S. military in helping Japan recover from the unprecedented disasters in the wake of the March 11 earthquake. Click here or the link on the right to view the video. Here is the transcript of the video. Helping Our Friend and Ally March 25, 2011 The past two weeks have been challenging for everyone. The uncertainty surrounding the situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant, the reports about food and water safety, and the continuing aftershocks are having an effect on all of your families. As I've said, we are committed to keeping you informed as the situation unfolds. Having traveled to northeast Japan this week, I wanted to take a brief moment to share with you a different side of the crisis, and that is the job that the young men and women of our military are doing to help Japan. At Sendai, I saw our forces operating side by side with Japanese forces working to provide relief to those hit hardest along the coast. With the Japanese in the lead, they are coordinating the delivery of thousands of tons of desperately needed supplies delivered by our ships, helicopters, and aircraft day and night, hour by hour. Our young men and women in uniform are dedicated to this task and through their heroic actions they make clear the determination of our country to help Japan through this crisis. As fellow Americans, they make us all very proud. I hope that each of you, despite the immediate concerns you have about the situation, will take time to talk with your families about what our support to Japan means, and why we provide it. And let us take this moment to salute our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are doing so much to uplift Japan in this time of great need. Thank you so much.